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Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission Form 2024: प्राइवेट स्कूल में बीपीएल परिवारों को फ्री एडमिशन

By Brala Vijendra

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Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission Form 2024: Short  Details : Department of School Education Haryana is inviting applications for admissions to Class 3rd to 12th in various schools across the state for the academic session 2024-25. A notification for the Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission 2024-25 has been released by the Department of School Education (DSE) Haryana. Interested candidates can submit their admission applications by 31st March 2024. The detailed notification providing information about the Haryana Cheerag 3rd to 12th Class Admission 2024 is available from the Department of School Education (DSE) Haryana.

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Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission Form 2024

फॉर्म दिनांक

Form Start15-03-2024
Last Date10-04-2024
Lottery Draw (Ist Merit List Date)12.04.2024
Date of Admission13 to 25.04.2024
Schedule for 1st Merit List
Lottery Draw Waiting 2nd Merit List 
Admission Schedule for 2nd Merit List Waiting 

फॉर्म फीस

  • ⭐General / OBC / EWS Candidates : 00/-
  • ⭐SC / ST / ESM Candidates : 0/-
  • ⭐PH (Divyang) : 0/-
  • ⭐Mode of Payment :Online.

महत्वपूर्ण भर्तियाँ देखें

  1. रोहतक कोर्ट चपरासी सीधी भर्ती
  2. चंडीगढ़ जेल डिपार्टमेंट में निकली भर्ती
  3. आंगनवाड़ी भर्ती 5000 पदों पर होंगी भर्तियां


  • No Age Limit
  • ⭐More Details Visit the notification.
Apprenticeship FormQuestion Paper
Govt SchemeCSC FormAdmit CardOffline FormResult

चयन प्रक्रिया

  • ⭐Merit.
  • For a comprehensive understanding of the selection process, kindly consult the official notification.

शैक्षणिक योग्यता 

Total Seats available: 9368

AdmissionQualificationTotal Seats
3rd to 12th ClassLast Class Passed from Govt. School9368

Special for girls  नौकरी से सबंधित मैसेज आपको पर्सनली भेज दिए जायेंगे – Click Here.

Only for girls.

नोट- :मैसेज केवल पर्सनली सेंड किया जाएगा किसी ग्रुप में नही जोड़ा जायेगा.

👉Haryana Kaushal Rojgar Nigam (HKRN) New Registration 2023


  1. Eligibility Criteria:
    1. To be eligible for Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission 2024, students must have completed their education from government schools in the previous academic year.
  2. Document Verification:
    1. The selection process involves the verification of documents.
  3. For additional details on the admission selection process, kindly refer to the official Notification or visit the official Website.

फॉर्म कैसे भरें 

  1. Begin by clicking on the provided Application Form Link.
  2. Download the Application Form and complete all necessary details for registration.
  3. After filling out the Application Form, submit it to the private school of your choice for admission.
  4. Obtain a receipt printout from the school to proceed with the further admission process.

आवश्यक दस्तावेज 

  1. Family Id (Parivaar Pehchan Patra) with verified income less than 1.80 lakh per annum.
  2. Recent photograph of the candidate.
  3. Student SRN (School Registration Number).
  4. School Leaving Certificate (SLC).
  5. Aadhar Number and Blood Group of the child.
  6. EWS Certificate.
  7. Haryana Resident Certificate / Voter Card / Bill / Any Proof of Residence.
Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission Form 2024a
Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission Form 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Question: What is the last date to submit the Haryana Cheerag Scheme Admission Form for the academic session 2024-25?Answer: The last date to submit the admission form is 31st March 2024.
  2. Question: How many total seats are available for admission under the Haryana Cheerag Scheme for classes 3rd to 12th?Answer: There are a total of 9368 seats available for admission across various classes.